Forms CA_SK_GSSD AlternateDropOff

Parent or Guardian


As stated in Board Policy 16; Student Transportation, transportation will be provided to the designated school to and from the student’s designated home location.
a. Exceptions to the designated home location may be granted in extenuating circumstances. The division may allow for a regular alternate pickup and drop off location. This location must be a home or designated stop. This alternate location must not cause deviation of more than one mile from the regular route, nor shall the targeted total ride time of the route exceed 75 minutes as a result.
i. An alternate pickup and drop off location is a designated location other than the home location

Requested Location of Alternate Drop off (land location)

Submitted by
Please Note: Approval is for the current school year and if you require the alternate drop off in future school years you need to apply on an annual bases. Please contact driver in advance of needing child(ren) to be picked up and dropped off at alternate drop off.

Transportation Department Contact Information: Phone: (306) 786-5505, Email:, Fax: (306) 786-4791

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